The European Commission has approved the grant of benefits with decision C (2024) 8990 “final” on December 13, 2024 (Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, communication December 17, 2024). The green light comes from the European Commission for the granting of the contribution exemption for employers in the primary agriculture sector under the “Temporary Crisis Framework”. Following notification from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, as the authority responsible for implementing the measure provided for in Article 2 of Legislative Decree no. 63/2024, the Commission authorized the benefit with decision C (2024) 8990 “final” on December 13, 2024.
Specifically, in order to provide effective support for work in agriculture in territories affected by the flooding events of May 2023, the measure acknowledges for the contribution periods from January 1st to December 31st, 2024, a contribution exemption equal to 68% of INAIL premiums against occupational accidents and diseases and pension contributions payable by employers in the primary agriculture sector for their permanent or fixed-term, full or part-time employees operating in the farming areas referred to in Annex 1 to Leg. Decree no. 61/2023. These are precisely the municipalities of Emilia-Romagna, Marche, and Tuscany affected by the flooding events.
Moreover, Inps has already communicated with the message no. 4156/2024 that the payment term of the reduced contribution can be effected up to March 17, 2025, without an increase of civil penalties.